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Posts posted by CG420za

  1. It's been a few days, so it's update time. Also, compliments of the season guys!


    So yesterday I built a scrog net, the first attempt failed horribly, the second come out fine. So now it's just to wait until the net fills out? Hopefully the other 3 are females also.




  2. Your seeds dieing like that is called damping off ,  it is caused by a fungus.



    For the lights you have I would keep with what ypu already have and not sprout more.

    I actually read up on this last night... So I killed them, swak! Thought it was the new medium.


    Game plan now is to see what Alice and her siblings do.


    Thanks again GLO :thumbups

  3. I've monitored my temps over time, basically the forecast vs the ambient temp in my garage vs the temp in the cab. So lets say its 20 according to the forecast, the garage is between 23 and 25, and the cab is 2 to 3 degrees higher. On the days where the forecast is above 26, I leave the door open.


    I have noticed that my additional fan ups the temp by 1 degree which i didn't expect. So check that too.


    I'm not sure if you've seen my grow cab and reflector, but I've noticed my heat problem is also due to the hot air gathering in the top of the reflector, I'm going to add a duct to it and extract that air directly out of the cab, in theory my garage and cab temps would be equal.


    FInd the coolest room in your house and put the cab there. Makes life easier.

  4. Yeah man! And it smells like ass! I just compost veggies though, I'm not convinced that meat and dairy would be good for my plants.


    Dimensions I'm not to sure about, but in the first pic you can roughly judge. I plan on LSTing the crap outta her, basically go the length of the cab. I have 3 45w 6500k cfl's in there, 2000 lumens each. Gonna switch out 2 of those for about 6 23w 2700k's when I flower. I'll hold off on the NL's, coz I'd veg her for atleast 2-3 months. By that time I fear Alice would have outgrown that cab.


    BTW, I've started a new grow in coco/perlite mix. Popped 4 beans, all sprouted and died 2-3 days later... No idea why, medium was damp. The middle of the stem went thin, the weight of the leaves made it buckle and that's it. Game over. Any ideas?

  5. I'm doing the same with my plant, going in a circle. As for the cab temps, I've realized that I have to wait until autumn for it to work, UNLESS you have aircon. I've tried ice packs, ice and bottles with ice water infront of the fan. Drops 1 or 2 degrees. 


    Try changing the lights on period to night time... Mine are on from 4pm to 10am. The temps are not that bad with the change...

  6. Then we'll carry on with little miss sickly! If I repot this one, is there a way to get her out of this JGS and into the CCPS or will she she be fine with the JGS and CCPS mix?


    Also, I got some Calcium Magnesium Nitrate Plus, they like little granules, how much do I use for a litre of water?

    N - 137g/kg

    Ca - 122g/kg

    Mg - 33g/kg

    B - 2.14g/kg



  7. Thanks for all the input. I won't be going back to Jamie to resolve the soil issue. I'm going to start from scratch with a different grow. Alice can trot along on her own.


    I'll be using a different soil mix and nutriplex nutes until my soil ready. I think I'll have better luck with a known strain.  :-peace

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