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Posts posted by Naughty.Psychonaut

  1. now it isn't a kush either? so it's neither OG nor is it Kush???? god damn.... does this guy not just wana rewrite the whole dictionary?

    how does it get called OG Kush if he is the one who started it, but then it isn't even OG or Kush?????????? think about this for a second man...

    does this dude know the rest of the world exists and that literally EVERYONE (even before his claims) calls it OG kush.....

    this story falls apart the more info comes out

  2. 6 minutes ago, Thunder Grown said:

    Josh D's story is that he got the "kush" cut from Matt "Bubba" Berger, who flew it in from Florida.  Everyone started calling everything Kush so they named it original kush. 

    yeah, I read the link you gave, not really agreeing with it though hahah

  3. In the book I read that discussed the topic it mentioned that the fact that not many cannabis plants love coastal conditions, this term was used to make classification easier, to add to the names of strains that are coastal tolerant. 

    which makes a ton of sense.

    • Like 1
  4. my bad there, I thought you said they brought it from LA to Cali. but yeah, no.... doesn't add up to me that a guy who claims to be a OG specialist could even say that the strain that's grown by the ocean and is reffered to as OG is not called Ocean Grown. 

    if that is to be true, it would make even less sense to me

  5. "Ocean Grown" started in California. Los Angeles is in California.

    think about this, a strain grown by the ocean and some dude comes out saying "OG" doesn't stand for ocean grown. that's really backwards.......

    So you're telling me, a dude who was part of the start of the term Ocean Grown, comes out years later saying that's not what it actually means? great...

    even if the strain really WAS ocean grown.... California. right by the ocean.......... 


    anyway, not gona make or break anything or anyone, just a random topic of discussion.

    like I said earlier, one can look at it as "spaghetti" if that's what makes you happy. 


  6. 2 hours ago, PsyCLown said:

    Yeah, when growing from seed it is always a lucky packet.

    Could be one perhaps did not develop as quickly as others and cannot handle the extra nutes.


    These are things you pick up on overtime and adjust accordingly, use the charts to start with and once you have a better grasp, can start to adjust the ml/L quantity according to the size of the plants and so forth.

    yeah this might also be the case, as we can see that not all of the plants have claws. just the one.

    gona give them one round of clean water, then jump over to Grow one week and Fish the other and alternate between the two. 

    2 hours ago, Prom said:

    Fishmix or Grow... not at the same time both! Swap each feeding. Once Fish, next Grow..

    hahah thanks again man, I have already switched up, the 1.1.2/L I was talking about was what caused the claws, this is what Psy wanted to know. I am not giving 1.1.2/L anymore. 

  7. https://maryjanesdiary.com/og-meaning/

    although, in this write up it states original gangster came first, I will look for the thread that's based on a book writin by a dude who was a part of the creation of the word. if I can remember the name of the book I'll have it in seconds, but this is just a short discussion in the book, not what the whole book was about, but it stated that when they came up with the whole OG term there hasn't been any use for the term untill they started using it. obviously gangsters like weed and when they heard the strain name they just jumped to conclusion. not the other way around

  8. What's good, good people!

    I always find hidden facts/myths so interesting and I am sure all of us have one or two we don't generally discuss, but might always be worth the mention.

    This thread is for those who have heard something, anything, to give it a mention. If anyone knows if it's fact or myth, guide us.

    I'll start it off...

    The whole "OG" thing. Most will know this to stand for "Original Gangster". In most cases of generic slang terms, that is probably what it means, but when it comes to cannabis and a whole bunch of other plants it was used to catagorise those genetics that where grown by the ocean, coastal tolerant plants. It stands for "Ocean Grown". It wasn't untill much later that a certain demographic adopted the word like they where the ones who created it (gangsters), when they happened upon the coincidence that the "OG" could also mean "original gangster" and they liked the sound of it so much and have over used it to the point where the majority of cannabis enthusiasts think the strain is called "Original Gangster Kush". which would be the worst name for weed in my opinion.

    Funny tag, it wasn't even the original gangstars that used the term, but rather the modern trendy soyboys who think they're intimidating everyone by not being able to wear their pants correctly. 

    • Like 2
  9. that's 1 of 3 of the same genetics, different seeds so slight pheno changes, but just goes to show how the same stuff have different effects depending on interaction with other compounds. otherwise if I gave them all the same they would look the same, right? I actually don't know, because here I am proving myself wrong. 

    growing plants is the last thing on earth we should "do by the book", cause of this fact

  10. man, I thought I was sticking to the basics. good thing I mentioned my schedule, well basically just that I am sticking to "the schedule"

    Thanks a ton my dudes!

    if I can save nutes, money and time I am already intrigued!!!

    might just do a comparison grow, since I got 3 of the same plants.

    I just wana quickly throw in my 2c aswell, if I may. To clear it up, I am growing alongside a dude with a masters in horticulture. Looking at his plants I follow his advice religiously. 

    Both you guys had bad results with bloom nute during veg? this would actually suprise me, but I am intetested.

    • Like 1
  11. end of week 4, day 27

    during the week gave a top layer of worm casting and some DE. did a neem treatment as every week. did a phyta treatment. on the 1.1.2 of the biobizz Grow.Fish.Bloom now, following chart. coming week wil do inoculation, just by throwing some mycoroot on the top layer and work it in a bit with my hands, then water with Biodyne Environoc 401 that's been bubbling for 24hrs.

    switched off the blurp for the photos

    the group20210306_065711.thumb.jpg.fdd2c9ae0405404a86b1f75d8c0d9192.jpg

    Super Lemon OG20210306_065703.thumb.jpg.cdce64cd92278aff89655568fc2a64ce.jpg


    check this, 11 fingers on a leaf... first time I get this.20210306_070119.thumb.jpg.dce1d2c5dbc5ca10abed527d44ff9090.jpg20210306_070156.thumb.jpg.f35075f6dce680bbea7251a6160e9dae.jpg20210306_070222.thumb.jpg.cc8ae3a954ec08e1781592b96b2682f3.jpg

    • Like 2
  12. some dudes who are already flowering right now will advise not to start growing outside right now, the plant might just come up and start flowering almost right away. so if you wana be safe with a nice veg now till middle of May, do it indoors.

  13. hahahah yeah man I have ran into some troubles myself, then a buddy comes over and immediately points out a very simple easy solution and I always feel whyyy don't these ideas come directly to us, but always easier to see things from "the outside". 

    one thing we haven't spoken bout is autos?? you can grow them anywhere and anytime. just need good light good airflow and good soil + nutrient line.

    we heading towards the flower cycle now bud, so if you wana flower outside quick still, here's what you can do right now. let's say you need atleast 3 months to finish flowering. you can't go into September for sure, so mid August like I said, juuust to be safe. 3 months before that is mid May. So you can veg now the way you wanted to till mid May, then take outside and will be in full flower. 


  14. if you giving 200ml water, like psy said, for seed to pop no dome is needed, for sure. 

    if only 20ml of water, like I said, for seed pop then I would use a dome, otherwise it will dry out, but remove dome as soon as the seedling is up. 

    then just keep moist, not saturated

  15. 16 hours ago, Weedomics said:

    So my question now is how many plans will i be able to flower in one season.

    as much as you want brother

    if you can plant and cater to 100 plants in one season you can do so.

    legal limit is 4 mature plants or 800g flower per adult, per household 8 plants max or 1.2kg max flower. they also state anything equivalent to that, so it would be up to the responding officer to decide what's equivelent to the legal limit. so if you're one consenting adult and got 100 seedlings that might be pushing your "equivalence" boundaries hahahah 

    So, let me get this right, your plan is to veg indoors constantly? and take outside for flower?

    again, if this is what you gona set in stone for yourself, just don't think you gona take a plant out of a tent in Jan. and have it flower outside. if it happened once for someone else, good for them, but you're playing on the verge there. 

    to be 100% safe you can bring the plant outside and have it go into flower you have to work in the 12/12h light cycle. anything else you taking chances. 

    why not keep the tent on permanent 12/12 and pop seeds outdoors and veg permanent then just have a 2/3 month flower cycle with each batch? as soon as they come out harvest time you move another batch in? 

    Natural cycle hasn't got much to do with the months of the year, but rather light hours. only about a 3 to 4 month period out of every year you gona get a solid 12/12 cycle. 

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