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Posts posted by Toby

  1. Update week 4.


    I gave them all a light feed of amino acids. Dropped the light another 20 cm to 80cm, seems to be working well. I'm getting into the rhythm with them. I topped them after their third true leaves. My intention is to top twice.

    Detected some pests lurking and Pyroled their asses before they could cause any more damage. Inspecting daily under the leaves, all seem clear at the moment.

    Some images below.



  2. Small update. Took this one on Thursday night. Found 1 spider mite creeping around the cab. Bombed the girls with Pyrol yesterday. Rather safe than sorry. Toby[/member], flip in 1-2 weeks? What do you think? How's the stretch?

    How tall is your cab? Picture the plant double in size factoring in your final pot size. But yeah 2 week tops in that cab size with your amount of plants. IMO :-2cents:-peace

    It's 1.9m tall Toby[/member]. 1.7m usable space.

    Height might not be the issue but width. Flip it sooner rather than later, IMO:poke

  3. Update time. 2 weeks later.


    I have repotted into a larger container as it was difficult to control the moisture. To date watered twice with dechlorinated water only. Raised the lights from 60cm to 1m as it was starting to burn the little ones. All seems ok currently. Some pictures below.



  4. Small update. Took this one on Thursday night. Found 1 spider mite creeping around the cab. Bombed the girls with Pyrol yesterday. Rather safe than sorry. Toby[/member], flip in 1-2 weeks? What do you think? How's the stretch?

    How tall is your cab? Picture the plant double in size factoring in your final pot size. But yeah 2 week tops in that cab size with your amount of plants. IMO :-2cents


  5. Yeah, Blue Dream is one of my classic favourites, very distinctive. :-puffin


    As to the Exodus Haze, my outdoor batch produced nicely large dense buds due to no topping, but the reveg batch produced a lot of smaller buds comparatively, but similar in smoke. Not for the beginner, IMO.:-blazed

  6. Thanks for the input GLO, one day when Im big I want 30 µmol/(m^2s) per day. 8)


    From the info I have gathered researching light output in terms DLI (Daily Light Intergral) for flowering. Cannabis requires a DLI of 18-25 per day. The current light at 12hrs on would produce around 15 µmol/(m^2s) per day


    Its a touch under optimal but will see how it progresses. Hoping for optimal results.

  7. Morning all, Time to start a new a grow. I thought Ill post this grow journal up and get the input from the community as we progress. Bought these seeds from Bonza in Jan17. The list of strains is below.

    • 1 x Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk
    • 1 x Bomb Seeds Medi Bomb #1
    • 1 x Barney's Farm CBD Critical Cure
    • 1 x Delicious Seeds Critical Sensi Star
    • 1 x Resin Seeds Cannatonic
    • 1 x Medicann Seeds Blue Blood

    Im using my own soil mix from a year ago, growing indoors in a tent of 1200X700X1650mm and 1 X P4 Sanlight For ventilation 1 X 15cm CTF extraction fan and 2 X 12cm 220v fans mounted on the scrog screen to move air. I soaked the seeds in tap water for 24hrs and and straight into the soil afterwards. With the cooler weather recently and no warmth of a HID the germination took a day to 2 longer, but all is well currently. :poke Heres my babies a week later.

    Will the P4 be strong enough for the entire grow? Is this a sponsored grow log? Keen to see how the P4 works out.


    2 X P4s would be ideal based on the space requirements. The info currently displayed on their website in terms of PPDF is off. The correct info as per supplier as follows.


    Height should be 60cm for veg, which will cover 1,2 x 2,1m or 2.52m squared and at a height of 30cm for flowering which will cover 1,4 x 0,6m or 0.84m squared

    Im pushing the optimal footprint for flower but will see how it goes.

    No its not a sponsored grow log. Yeah Im also excited to see how it goes. :-gthumb

  8. I'm hoping for 2oz plus but like I said hate estimating :-bankie.. We'll see how she looks end of next week. :-peace

    I normally get about 28grms (filled 75%) in one of those 1L Consol preserve jars, so 2 oz should be 2 of those jars. It always gives me good estimation on dry weight. 4 jars 100grms :-2cents

  9. Morning all,


    Time to start a new a grow. I thought Ill post this grow journal up and get the input from the community as we progress.


    Bought these seeds from Bonza in Jan17. The list of strains is below.


    • 1 x Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk
    • 1 x Bomb Seeds Medi Bomb #1
    • 1 x Barney's Farm CBD Critical Cure

    • 1 x Delicious Seeds Critical Sensi Star
    • 1 x Resin Seeds Cannatonic
    • 1 x Medicann Seeds Blue Blood

    Im using my own soil mix from a year ago, growing indoors in a tent of 1200X700X1650mm and 1 X P4 Sanlight.

    For ventilation 1 X 15cm CTF extraction fan and 2 X 12cm 220v fans mounted on the scrog screen to move air.

    I soaked the seeds in tap water for 24hrs and and straight into the soil afterwards. With the cooler weather recently and no warmth of a HID the germination took a day to 2 longer, but all is well currently. :poke


    Heres my babies a week later.


  10. stop watering

    Mind if i ask why? Cause i only water the soil when it feels dry. About two knuckles deep..

    If I may suggest? Try and use smaller containers working from seed. There is no real root mass yet. In a large container relative to the size of the plant it will take a long while for the plant to drink up all the water. If you continue to water when not required your plant will show symptoms of drooping and slow growth. It might feel dry on top but at the bottom its still very moist. :-2cents

  11. - since you're a mod, may I ask if it's necessary to tag peeps on reply?]

    No need to tag, but with a tag they will received notifications of posts they were tagged in. Alternatively should a user wish to follow a thread the may click the notify button located at bottom or top right, to receive notifications of new post post or replies?

  12. Hey @Toby , Disclaimer: I'm not that well versed in this, recommend your own further research. Growmau5 and Greengenes are where I've gleaned most... recommend watching some of their videos and referring to some of the referenced threads on rollitup in their vids. Since you have the umol/s data it's quite straight forward to calculate the PPFD, simply divide PPF (umol/s) by square meter area to get PPFD (umol/s/m2 - I think). As to spread, this will vary based on optics or lack thereof. As for spread.... regarding COBs: There's a thread from Robin on rollitup analyzing different optics and therefore spread on the CXB3590s I think there may have been similar for gen 7 Vero29s, which you could perhaps try and correlate to your setup and try figure out the spread. Not sure how you could fudge spread, without a PAR meter, if you're not running COBs. That help?

    Thanks bud, ill do some more research. Very interesting stuff, Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) & Daily Light Integral (DLI)



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