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Posts posted by iHigh

  1. So I spotted this on one of my plants, and though it was isolated incident and was not to worried.

    Now I see it is happening on a few more plants.

    I am using Atami buffered coco, with GH FloraCoco nutes.  

    Anyone recognize this please ?





  2. The ideal pH for discus is around 6.5. If your pH is over 7 or below 6 it may begin to cause discus stress. Tank bred Discus species have been known to thrive in pH as high as 7.8 as long as there is little/no fluctuation. Relative water hardness should be 1dH - 8dH.

    I am thinking a discuss tank, with some plants, and neons....tank will have to run for at least 6-12 months before it would be stable enough to add plants on top

  3. All African Cichlids should be kept in water with a pH of 7.5-9.0, a water hardness from 10-20 dH, and a temperature between 77-82°F.

    The actual ranges of the African Rift Lakes are:

    Lake Tanganyika — 7.8-9.0

    Lake Malawi —  7.4-8.4

    Lake Victoria — 7.2-8.6 

  4. 52 minutes ago, Totemic said:

    You are limited to tilapia, koi, other carp for summer aquaponics. Koi are hardy fish and can be monetized. Raising baby koi for the industry and such.  - why is that ?

    There is generally not enough P to push flowering.  - cant you add P  into water ?


  5. 32 minutes ago, CreX said:

    That looks to me like you may have been a touch rough with the new growth at some point... New growth is so soft, and if you move too fast around it it can damage the soft new growth and then when it grows it looks like that. 

    Otherwise it's a worm chowing fresh growth, but because it's limited and not progressing, I would say my first guess. 

    Happens to me often when trying to identify sex

    yip - I think thats it - although my wife is a vegetarian - so that might also be am option

  6. 5 hours ago, PsyCLown said:



    Is there perhaps a fan which blows directly over some of the plants or something to that affect?

    nope - they are spread out among all the seedlings 

    Might be a sensitivity to higher PH - my PH tester was out by .4 - so my PH was about 6.7 for a bit..


  7. LED's are much more efficient than any other light on the market, except LPS, so a LED that has only a 250w draw, would be equivalent to something much higher than an equivalent HPS pullling the same draw ..

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