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Everything posted by Dabtzar

  1. Dope! Lol Have you got them seed?
  2. Busy on it mate. Hoping to be done this week.
  3. Unfortunately the Dabbing Etiquette post is not my own, I've taken it from another site. So I wont be able to compete in this comp. Its purely for our members. Peace
  4. 10 Rules for Dabbing Etiquette. Before you dab with friends, it's important to know proper etiquette, so as not to look foolish. Here are our handy and helpful hints that will hopefully keep you from making any dabbing faux pas. 1. Full Disclosure Before smoking with a newb dabber, ask them if they smoke weed everyday. You want to make sure this is a pleasant experience for all parties involved, and you certainly don't want someone flipping out, passing out or vomiting all over the room. 2. Ladies First We are stoners, not savages. 3. Keep It Clean Wipe your dab tool clean every time you use it (alcohol wipes work great). 4. Keep It Breezy When seshing with others, leave the dome off after you hit the rig -- this will help speed things up (unless you have a domeless rig or an e-nail, in which case, carry on…) 5. Be a Boy Scout When it comes to preparedness, at least: always know your torch's butane level and be sure you're stocked with two cans at all times. 6. Don't Be A Dick: Waste Not Take all you can dab, but dab all you take. 7. No Freeloading Sharing is caring, but don’t be a mooch -- dabs are expensive. 8. No Manhandling Don’t touch another person’s dabs with your hands unless you ask for permission -- this is how you transfer things like fingerprints and grease. Plus, if the concentrate is not stable, you’ll end up with it on your hands instead of in your rig. No bueno. 9. Know Your Limitations Dab responsibly and remember, drooling is not sexy. 10. Keep it Clean, Again Use fresh water and clean your rig regularly.
  5. I've grown dank thick buds in my room which peaked at 37. The room was running at ave 33. That room was in a shed.. (worst place to grow) The reason why you might not get thick buds is a lack of cal/mag. It's either from using RO water which is 0 ppm or your ph is not correct for an overall nutrient pick up. Or Not enough light intensity. Bring your lights down, but not too close. They will want to stretch if you dint have enough canopy penetration. Or Yes the ventilation. You MUST have air flowing around the plants. No stagnant air. Plants like to be blown around gently, makes the stems stronger and won't allow for PM or bodrytus. Just my 2c
  6. Dabtzar

    My New Set UP

    Nice one. Is it your first hydro grow?
  7. You need a bigger Res so that the ph doesn't fluctuate from evaporation, plant up take etc. 100L you change every 2weeks, 200L - +-3 weeks, 300L - 4 to 5 weeks So the bigger the better, but it will just cost a little more on nutes. You can do a top up, you will just have to do the math on your ppm's, Liters left. But a whole change is best to keep up the high levels of all nutrients, sterility and give you a chance to clean off any salt build up or algae growth.
  8. Dabtzar


    Welcome Kim... What's your preferred method of growing
  9. Vegitation and flower are only depending on the light hours you give them. You can Flower and veg under HPS or MH or LED or CFL. Its the hours that matter. Veg; 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 Flower; 12/12
  10. Look any strain that is stable will be the easier strain to grow. Anything that is new on the market etc could be a little tricky. especially to get the nute ratios right. Id say strains like. AK47, White widow, Afghan, Skunk, Haze, kush. are easy enough to grow. But if you come into any problems just ask and we will do what we can to help.
  11. Welcome mate We will help you to grow the best medication you can get. feel free to ask us what ever you need. Peace
  12. http://daggamagazine.com/2014/11/27/entire-family-arrested-hydro-grow-op-worth-millions/
  13. I reckon if you don't know the original strain name you will battle to find out what it is. Unless you grow a cheese which its characteristics are easily identifiable. Small buds on stem, no big colas and shortish plants depending on training. And it will have a distinct smell. One thing you can definitely tell is if its a Sativa Dominant, Indica Dominant or a Hybrid. From there you need to go with the finished product in deciphering what she might be, from smell, look, growth pattern and taste. Only way to learn is to grow as much as you can and take note of all the variables and note them. then you will be able to try and identify what you have. But I also say that if you don't actually see it come out of its original packaging from a reputable seed bank. you will never actually know what it is. Peace
  14. Yea Good looking ODD. I agree. Get some 8'' fans going in there if those arnt 8'' And bigger osc fans to move the air more, you dont want to get Powdery Mildew.
  15. That is AWESOME!! So glad we are being recognised overseas. I heard that they are getting alot of attention.
  16. LOL why do i always miss these posts. Id love to see what they say to get a scolding.
  17. Thats what im talking about. you will avoid hot spots like that. also remember that timber can hold bugs ect so maybe seal all your timber before covering it. also helps avoid mold from spilt water.
  18. Ill be doing a small BHO run this week. ill put together a tutorial so people can start playing around.
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