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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in Posts

  1. Hi all, We had a few hot days in a row, 27-34c Celsius. I have been trying not to overwater. On thursday, 3 days ago i noticed leaves started looking strange, see below pic - i then followed with first introduction or nutes (atami bcuzz A + B soil at 1ml per L of each- i made a 20L BUCKET and watered each plant with roughly 3-4L the pots are 5gallon so watered under 25% of pot capacity.) Water ph 6.3-6.5 run off after first nutes given 6.5 - 6.7 24 days old Was i suppose to use 4L of the fert water when feeding or was i suppose to use 1L of the fert water and 2-3L of fresh water after? I suspect this is due to being over nutted.. when i provided nutes for the first time was when soil was on the dry side.
    1 point
  2. Hi guys, I'll try keep this short and quick: I've always been super happy with my bud after harvest; super dense and frosty, even the small wispy buds lower down will turn your brain to mush. But for some reason I have a persistent problem of the spaces between flower nodes stretching to eternity when I flower. I never see this issue during veg! I've attached some images, the first three being of my indoor photoperiod plants and the 4th being of my casual outdoor autoflower. You can clearly see the density of buds on the autoflower is significantly higher than the photoperiods and I swear I didn't do anything different between each of them! Indoor Strains: 2x OG Kush and 2x King Kong Days in flower: 14 days Light: 8 year old purple spectrum Mars Hydro 600w equivalent LED Light distance from canopy: Moved to around 35-40cm from canopy during flower Nutrients: Terra Aquatica 3 part (Micro, Grow, Bloom). And a dash of Diatomaceous Earth every feed for the Silica pH: Generally around 6-6.3 Growing Medium: Freedom Farms 70/30 Coco Perlite Buffered Outdoor Strain: Zkittles Auto Days in flower: No idea to be honest I wasn't paying that much attention to this plant Light: Good old fashioned sun Amount of light: I actively move the plant around to chase the sun as much as possible. Nutrients: Exactly the same as above but more diluted as you can see some burn going on there pH: As above. Growing Medium: Freedom Farms 70/30 Coco Perlite Buffered
    1 point
  3. You see the spacing is tight with the auto which is grown outdoor with the sun. Where your indoor plants have large internodal spacing. This gives me reason to believe its a light issue. You mentioned you using a 8 year old blurple light. I would recommend getting a new light such as a LED quantum board. I have a 120w quantum board from Green Houston, next to my old 100w Mars Hydro 48 reflector in one tent. (70cm x 70cm) and they work great together. When looking for a quantum board always look for ones with Samsung diodes. Ill provide the link to the one I purchased. There are different sizes and versions. But any quantum board that uses Samsung diodes such as LM301H diodes will be excellent. https://www.greenhouston.co.za/products/quantum-board-led-125w Depending on the size of your tent you might have to go larger or buy multiple. However if you just get one Quantum board, you can combine it with your old light.
    1 point
  4. Hey man. Large spaces are either formed from not enough light and sometimes its just a trait of the strain. Maybe try defoliate more to expose bud sites. Sometimes the problem is not the amount of light, but instead the light coverage. There could be other reasons, however this is all I know of. On the breeder packs it will let you know if the strain stretches during flowering and sometimes they will mention the common internodal spacing. Different strains have different characteristics during flower and different phenotypes of the same strain can have different plant structure. If you constantly have the same issue, it could be a different reason. Good luck man
    1 point
  5. I’m no salts grower but with my limited experience it looks like nutrient lock out due to a pH issue. I would make sure you have sufficient run off then watering your plants .
    1 point
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