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Heisenberg's Pineapple Chunk


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Oh damn man definitely sounds like u have fungus gnats. The adult flies do no harm except lay more damn eggs!


Sprinkle some diatomaceous earth on the top layer of the soil and it should shred any larvae but you will need to get rid of those fuckers asap. Nuke 'em


The yellow sticky traps + diatomaceous earth + good airflow really helped me get them under control and eventually rid of them

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That's really small for 2 months old bro... Is that Jamie's soil? Fungus gnats?


I'm really glad I aborted all growth with my JGS mix. Since I germinated my Lazy PC, she's taken her own sweet time ( 4 days) popping thru the coco to reach for light and even now she's moving reeaaaallllly slowly. :-hairpull  


@Heisenberg ...and now my PC seed just stopped growing shortly after popping thru the coco. :-hairpull

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