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Super Skunk Kush


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Hey guys, so im very excited about this lady. 

she was gifted to me by Highchome, thanks dude i will treat her well.

So i got her in pure coco/perlite mix, re-potted into coco/perlite/soil mix into 20lt pot.

did some lower branch training to maximize light penetration. 

The first pic was when i just got her, 2nd after all the adjustments.

i put her into the sunlight on Saturday and she loved it. Back in the garage now with the other plants.



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  • 1 month later...

I completely forgot about this thread, sorry.

She is the the first of my indoor plants to show signs of budding.

Will try to upload some better pics of whole plant, she is beautiful.

All her clones took super easy and fast, i just cut and put them straight to soil, little over a week roots started showing.




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One week later and she's looking beautiful.

She was the only one i didn't trim or top or defoliate, until last night that was. i just defoliated her a bit below the canopy, clearing of those branches you know wont reach the top.

Hoping to see a boost in growth to the top as with the others i cleared below the canopy.






Edited by Oolong83
pick didnt upload properly
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/2/2019 at 1:57 PM, nakes said:

 I see you also have the red stems issue....

Yeah, what is with that? The red stems ive noticed is mostly on the fan leaves’ stems. 

No the last pics all super skunk kush. 

Here is an update, took these just now

doesn't look that long to go still, right?





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So i repotted this girls sister from 5lt to 10lt. Getting her ready to head into budding section soon as the sister comes out. Ima try my second harvest in only 10lt pots instead of the 25lt. They grow too big for my current budding section. So hoping with the 10lt to have better control 



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