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Tamjee Rusty

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Posts posted by Tamjee Rusty

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bospatrollie2 said:

    Mine is 200micron and lets about 70-80% light through. If it's too thick it might block too much sunlight- defeating the purpose.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    You get a multi-use covering film that is woven so still allows light through and air to pass through. and they put that over the orange film which is normally weaker than 200micron. https://www.agriexpo.online/prod/silostop/product-170245-11507.html. So I think having both will be beneficial for stormy encounters will get that extra to put over the plastic film. 

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  2. Yea both are UV resistant. I will research, thanks bro!

    2 minutes ago, Bospatrollie2 said:

    Research the cover material or contact the suppliers and ask them. It needs to be ''outdoor'' stuff with good UV resistance. Otherwise the sun will destroy it very quickly.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


  3. 4 minutes ago, Bospatrollie2 said:

    Hi @Tamjee Rusty

    Ambitious project you got going, I also had a look at the pvc diy route due to the cost factors. Just keep in mind what your weather is like locally and if the structure will hold up and how you can secure it.


    Very relieved I went with the steel and reinforced PE covering, not the pvc. We had some number of storms come through the past year some gusting up to

    90km/h, would have destroyed a less sturdy structure.


    You dont want to make all that effort only to watch you tunnel blown away.


    Otherwise enjoy the build. Post pics.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk





    I did think of the galvanized piping and will definitely look at the PE covering. That is why I added more beams going over. But will look at steel piping, thought with the flexibility and the shape of the dome it would be sturdy enough, here we do not normally have heavy storms but Murphy is something else. 

  4. This has been something I have been looking forward to for as long as I have been growing. It is not really the greenhouse but more of expanding your grow. Testing your skills making a S$#% ton of mistakes. Going to be building a tunnel 10m x 4m x 4m. Also going to incorporate some gadgets.

    They are crazy with their prices on tunnels.. For the size that i have planned on it would cost over 20k.. just for the tunnel.. I did some research and found a whole load of ways to build at a quarter of the price. 

    I am going to use 25mm PVC piping for the structure, and have gum poles 2m in the ground and 2m protruding for more height. I am also adding in HLG 150 lighting not too sure if they will be in use right away but to assist with terpene and cannabinoid production and also for growth as well. Irrigation will be 25mm hose with 15mm break out to the pots with 5 outlets for slow release and I am sure it will help with the water pressure. Will be using 200 Micron Plastic from https://ppplastics.co.za/product/greenhouse-plastics?gclid=CjwKCAjw88v3BRBFEiwApwLevb_VjtqtEQWtxpLLTv8BHTY1JalldyATI0goQca4kb5r8ZJaWzEgaxoCB2oQAvD_BwE, it has anti drip and a whole bunch of nice things about is, check them out.

    2 intakes in the front and 1 large at the back with 3 fans mounted on the ceiling. The fans and the lights will be connected to a digital humidity controller which will be connected to the main board if the temp and humidly go below 22C and the fans will switch off and lights will turn on if the timer is passed the light cycle for the day they will not turn on. I am not sure to bring in a heater as where I am it is never that cold so the lack of air flow will bring the temp back up. Same will go with the humidity. I am working on how to control the fan speed within the 22C to 25C and 45 - 55% humidity so that it can maintain a balance but either on or off it will make a difference and keep the environment more stable. 

    I will then be adding the SONOF wireless switches to the irrigation, lights and Ventilation and connecting them to Google Home allowing me to monitor the grow anywhere and manually switch them on or off. Will be using a Wifi router with a LTE Sim with VPN security. Haven't gotten to the setup yet but it is going to fun! 

    I will be testing out Totemic Genetics in this grow and hoping for High THC-V production, would anyone give some advise whether the temp should be higher during veg or flower stage or higher temperatures throughout? 

    I was going to try put 4 30L pots per meter squared but scaled down to 2 pots per square meter. 




  5. The Low stress has helped by getting light to the entire plant, they are still lacking in size for obvious reasons. I have also lollipoped them to give most energy to growing the newest growths instead of smaller growths  and seems to be working well. At night I bring them under the florescent light for an extra 4 hours of light and in the morning before the sun is at its peak. 

    Been feeding seagrow Kelp with foliage sprays every 5 days and Explogrow every 2 weeks directly in the soil. 






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  6. Decide with the lockdown being the way that it is, I am busy with a small Greenhouse that a friend has offered up inside of a Nursery. Has a bit of stuff included, fans, ventilation, shaded and blackened window pains. I just need to add in a heating system and watering system which will be an alrightish task to handle. Do you guys recommend a specific Humidity controller? 

    Going to setup a drip watering system from the Jojo tank and just use gravity. Will be circular around the base of the stem. There are enough fans for warm air circulation I just need to control the Humidity - Must be between 60 - 70% and temperatures between 21 degrees to 26 degrees.

    I found these LED Bulbs, E27 Base type, SMD3528 LEDS, 352 LED, 21W, 255 Red - 97 Blue, LED Wavelength Red (620-630 nm, 650-660 nm); blue (440-450 nm, 450-460 nm) and has a coverage of 2.4 squares per bulb at R 530 a bulb. Would that be ideal lighting for the Greenhouse or should I choose HID lighting? 

    This will obviously be for the future as well not just during this winter period. Will it be advisable to add another 10 plants now in the greenhouse or wait until season starts?






  7. Topped a bit too late but was already starting to pre flower. Sprayed every 5 days the foliage mixture. Transplanted into plantmatter fabric pots and added in micro matter from plantmatter SA and more explogro into the fresh soil. 
    A mixture of my compost been fermented over 6 months now with fruits and vegetables with added micro matter as well. 
    In both photos are Totemic Genetics left is the Choco NL and right the Bubbleberry 

    Will also document Bubbleberry’s growth. 
    This was taken May 23rd, today just after being transplanted and topped. Hoping for a full recovery in this cold. 
    Do you recommend that I also LST for better light exposure or leave as is? 



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