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  1. ^it seems like an unnecessary risk though with plants this size and already in flower. am I wrong ?
  2. Yeah, but I'm worried about stressing them hermie if I transplant, the rootbound dilemma does worry me but there no roots coming out the ventilation holes but I suspect they would like more room. Gnna give em a good flush soon.
  3. I credit the addition of cal mag nitrate plus + epsom salts to my watering with the improvement. Switching to flowering nutes (Bio Bloom)now but I reckon will keep up the calmag and epsom salts though.
  4. Giving an update. The cal mag/nitrate has helped quite a bit. will attach a recent pic soon.
  5. 35 cm tall and around 105 cm wide ^. One might be root bound, other 2 unlikely. Going to add cal mag nitrate plus from tomorrow. Any further input would be appreciated.
  6. Not liking how the leaves are drooping and how they've gone all thin with this plant: Just been using Sea Grow (once a week +-) as far as nutes are concerned and a premium potting soil and perlite mix and about 750 ml of water a day again (+-). Would appreciate you guy's input on how I'd go about fixing this. The other two seem to be doing better but not quite 100 %, would appreciate your observations and input on those as well. The strain is Special Kush. I took seeds for these three from my previous grow which was done with the original feminised seeds I bought online.
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