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Everything posted by lembit_pet

  1. What a mission. Bud rot... revegging... too much rain... too much light. All the other weed just overgrow my garden without doing anything Perhaps the strain is not fit for these endless rains in Durban. Never had any issues with Swazi Gold, just left it outside in November and it came out perfect after a few months. Anyway, I cut the crap off and keep it out of the rains for now. Thaks for the input guys
  2. Thanks, the picture was from today... so Auto then I will cut off all rotten stuff... should I harvest the top now or wait you think?
  3. Crap, too much rain... can I still use it? What is Auto?
  4. Lower buds getting a bit brown/dry...
  5. Eish, sounds bad. Perhaps I should not have planted in winter... Should I throw them away? Can I use them for something?
  6. Hi, Took some seeds from a friend and they grow nicely. Perhaps it is too early, but can you tell if those plants are male or female? Also, I am not sure what weed it is, but it looks like a sativa right?
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