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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/23/2018 in Listing Reviews

  1. I think it takes enormous courage to stand up for a cause, especially when that cause has so much stigma attached, mostly due to misinformation and blatant lies. If scientific facts were considered, then cannabis should never have been criminalised in the first place. However this topic can and probably will be debated for a long time to come. A huge thumbs up for Jeremy Acton and like minded thinkers. But perceptions are changing, I know mine has, I was one of the absolute critics when the use of cannabis was discussed - "DRUGS". Once more money is spent on research and development and more facts are published, then the stigma of cannabis use will definitely not be an issue any more. This will probably put a huge dent in the pockets of the pharmaceutical giants, another huge topic for discussion.
    1 point
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