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Posts posted by donzomb

  1. {Update 4: 22/05/2021}


    i.) Current Setup: Grow Medium (currently) = Garden Soil (general); Light= CFL 6000-6500k (general CFL light bulb); Day Temp': 26' C Night Temp: 20' C.

    ii.) Current Lights are just for seedling and start of Veg stage. These lights are weak therefore it won't damage the developing seedling, but growth is slowed/hindered.

    iii.) I am planning on getting new grow lights optimized for the Veg stage (LUMii Envirogrow T5 - 2x LUMii 6400k Lamp, 48W total). And just before the Flowering stage, I will be upgrading to a light optimized for Bloom/Flowering (Green-Houston LED Full Spectrum 3000k, 120W).

    iv.) In the first week of June I will be transplanting all plants into larger containers and I will start using a Coco-Perlite mixture as my new growing medium. There are just so much benefits that I cannot overlook it. Also, it will be easier maintenance.


    #The Grow:

    *[18/05/2021]: Checked development of seedlings. Good development of seedling in shot glass – tap root is about 5mm long. Changing water in shot glass and transplanting germinated seed into soil tomorrow (19/05/2021). Label both containers (“B” and “C”).  Additionally, I am adding wire to both plants B and C to provide a support structure to tie the developing seedling to it - additional support. Watered all containers.

    *[19/05/2021]: Finally removing seedling from shot glass and transplanting into new container/pot (orange round pot), labeled “A”. Watered all containers.

    *[20/05/2021]: Watered all containers. Checked if there is any development with container “A” , the newly transplanted seed that was germinated, there is no new development.

    *[21/05/2021]: Plant “A” is finally pushing up towards the surface. Watered all pots.

    *[22/05/2021]: Water containers and check on development. Plants are growing well but not as fast as I'd like, I need to get better lights soon.













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  2. Hi administrators, my humblest apologies for the late update, I was going to do it two days ago (15/05/2021) when my seeds sprouted but I wanted more development before I updated – no excuses though! Here is my update from last time:


    *Day #2 (10/05/2021): Checked seeds for development. Also, changed water in shot glass.

    *Day #3 (11/05/2021): Checked seeds for development. One seed in shot glass split and tap root started developing. I took out the split seed and transplanted into a new container with soil (Black square pot). No progress on other two seeds.

    *Day #4 (12/05/2021): Observed two pots/containers for development (yoghurt tub and black pot). No new development in both containers, shot glass also had no new development. I changed water in the shot glass.

    *Day #5 (13/05/2021): Observed seeds for new development. No new development. Watered two pots (soil was getting dry) and changed water in shot glass.

    *Day #6 (14/05/2021): Checked pots and shot glass for new development. Noticed seedlings in both black pot and yoghurt tub are pushing towards the surface, moving towards the light, this is a good development for me. No new development in shot glass, changed water.

    *Day #7 (15/05/2021): Observed shot glass for new development. Noticed that the seed split and tap root is beginning to develop - I am planning on leaving this seed in the shot glass for 2-3 days before transplanting into a new pot/container, I will still be changing the water daily.

    *Day #8 (16/05/2021): Observed containers and shot glass for development. In shot glass, the seedling tap root is developing nicely, I am still planning on transplanting into new container within 2-3 days. I noticed that the seedling i the small yoghurt tub is developing fast and might get root bound soon/outgrow the small container so I am transplanting during dark cycle into a larger pot - round orange pot. The black pot will need to be transplanted into a larger pot in 3-7 days - however the plant first needs to develop more leaves and get stronger before I transplant (stressful on the seedling/plant).

    *Day #9 (17/05/2021): Just observed seedlings development, watered pots and changed water in shot glass.


    #NB: I'm using a CFL light (6000k 7W) for my seedlings and start of veg. I will later switch to stronger lights (2x LUMii T5 6400k 24W bulbs) but I was advised that these lights are great for seedlings because they are less harsh on the seedlings - light intensity and spectrum. Before flowering stage I will be getting a new light (LED Full Spectrum Light, 3000k 120W) to optimize the light received by plants during the bloom/flowering stage. Disclaimer: I am sort of new to the indoor grow setup but I've been wanting to start an Indoor grow for years now, I already did all my research in the past and currently, now it's just time to practice what I learnt.











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  3. Start Germination (09/05/2021)

    -Seeds taken out of package and inspected.

    -Got utensils/tools/equipment for Germination process: shot glass, small yoghurt container/tub, non-pH'd water, soil (garden soil - no added nutrients).

    -Put water in shot glass. Put TWO seeds in the shot glass with water to soak - "Soaking Method". [Should soak for 3-7 days, depending on how long it takes for seed to split and tap root to start developing, at that point transplant into soil/other medium.]
    -Put ONE seed into yoghurt tub with soil. Place seed fingernail depth so that seedling/sprout doesn't struggle and take long to push towards the light - therefore germination process will not be comprimised. Water frequently to keep soil moist, but not over-watered.

    -#NB: ONE of the seeds in the " shot glass" will be taken out after 3 days - regardless of tap root development - and transplanted into soil. This is to serve as a Hybrid Germination Method of the two aforementioned methods.

    -Place shot glass in darkness. Place yoghurt tub in room under desk lamp (CFL).
    -Observe frequently for any results/signs of development. Two to three times a day minimum.



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  4. Good Day Everyone, I am Joshua Smith. I am a new member to this community, I found out about this blog/forum from a friend of mine (Mikhael Erasmus).

    I am a cannabis connoisseur and I love the plant both recreationally and medically. I have grown bud in the past but it was on and off. I'm going to start taking it more seriously now - I have more time on my hands and resources.

    I love gaming, adventuring, hikes, graphics design and karate - amongst other things.

    I'm honored to be part of this community, I never knew existed, up until now...

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