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  1. She sprouted this morning! I decided on keeping the pot on the stoep for a week or so untill she is a bit more sturdy.
  2. Wow man thanks for the detailed reply much appreciated I have some clonex rooting gel don't know if that will work I actually bought it to attempt cloning with my autos, lot of controversy there so I figured I'd try it myself. I also got my seeds from pachamama, I've been curious as to how accurate there yield numbers are, have you harvested in the past? I find it difficult to believe that an auto could yield 200g. And there critical auto claims to have an outdoor harvest of 1200g! I bought some of those seeds as well figured it's worth a try. I decided to not plant directly into soil rather got me a fairly large smart pot which is made of fabric allows more oxygen to get to the roots heard some great things about people who have a history with them also I can move the plant if it is extremely hot. And then for my soil mix I basically went 1-1-1 with normal soil, perlite and peat I couldn't find neem oil but opted for an organic fungicide instead also I am using the beer trap method to keep snails out I'll definitely keep the copper wire in mind if I run into a problem with them.
  3. Good day all, i have recently purchased a few H24 Autoflowering CBD seeds. I have selected a prime spot in my backyard, it gets direct sunlight for almost all of the day. It is currently summer and our temperature ranges from 24°C/75,2°F to 34°C/93,2°F , I have read a lot of grow guides and prepped my medium accordingly (Also i purchased the necessary nutes.). Most people say that transplanting autos could result in lower yield therefore i was wondering if i could just directly plant my seed (post germination) into the soil patch i have prepped outside. I am just scared that the seedling might die off outside due to the high temperatures and sunlight intensity. Would it be better to let it develop a bit in a peat pellet and then transplant?
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